• Optimize as Fastest Route

    To optimize your route to the fastest route, click the Schedule Tab and then click Routes. Make sure all of the visits are listed and checked to show on the route. Next, click the green “Optimize/ Save” button and select “Optimize as Fastest Route & Save”

  • Optimize as Shortest Route

    To optimize your route as the shortest route, you will go to the Schedule Tab and then choose “Routes” at the top. Once on the routing page and you make sure the visits you want to include are checked and listed in the route, click the green “Optimize/Save” button and…

  • Customer Map

    Overview You can view your customers on a map and filter which ones you can see. This could be helpful if you’re trying to see which customers are close to each other so you can create a schedule that makes sense. View Your Customers on a Map To see your…

  • Messenger

    We have a built in messenger so that you can send messages back and forth with your employees. To get to the messenger click the Conversation Bubble button on the top right of the screen. A pop up will appear with a list of your employees. Click on the employee…

  • Visit Forms

    Learn about Visit Forms